Carefree Coloring

Join us on Wednesday, February 21st at 6pm for Carefree Coloring!

Come enjoy a snack and relaxing music while you color. We’ll provide the materials or feel free to bring your own!

(Ages 15+)

Lego Club

Join us on Wednesday, February 21st at 3:30pm for Lego Club!

This club meets every thirds Wednesday. Join at any time of the year, registration is not needed. Legos are provided, come build friendships and creations!

(Children ages 4+)

Adult Book Club

Join us for Adult Book Club on Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30pm!

Come and discuss this month’s book Horse by. Geraldine Brooks. Copies are available at the library. Join us at any month, no registration is required.


Drop-In Heart Art

Join us on Monday, February 12th at 3:30-5pm for Drop-In Heart Art

Come and create Valentines Day art projects while you enjoy a snack! Materials will be provided by the library.

No registration is required.

(Ages 3+)

Drop-In Lego Saturday

Join us on Saturday, February 10th at 9am-1pm for Drop-In Legos Saturday!

Come and show us you creative side with Legos. Legos will be provided, no registration is needed. Just stop in and build!

(All Ages)

Fiber Arts Group

Join us on Saturday, February 10th at 9:30-11am for Fiber Arts Group!

Are you into fiber arts? Knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, etc.? Find some kindred souls at Fiber Arts Group. Bring your current or new project and socialize while you craft!

(Ages 15+)

Anti-Valentines Day Drop-In Activities

Join us on Thursday, February 8th at 4-5:30pm for our Anti-Valentines Day Activities!

We will be playing trivia, decorating cookies, making a duct tape craft, blackout poetry, and an Anti-Valentines Day heart craft!

No registration is required.

(Ages 13+)